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In questa pagina trovate la mappa del nostro pianeta terra. Le piccole immagini sulla sua superfice sono fotografie scattate ai 4 angoli della terra. Generalmente chi scatta sono io, ma a volte, amici, compagni d’avventura o semplici avventurieri con cui ho in comune la passione del viaggio.

Le foto geocalizzano gli stickers de LaSerie nei precisi luoghi ove l’adesivo è stato attaccato. Nessun fotomontaggio. Se gli agenti naturali e o le persone, sono stati magnanimi li troverete ancora lì. Nella Sezione FindSticker, troverete delle sfiziose news riguardo questa passione.


Panoramio is no longer available

Thank you for stopping by.

Panoramio has been discontinued. We’ve appreciated your contributions over the years and hope you will continue to share amazing photos with the world.


The Panoramio team

Frequently-asked questions

  1. What happened to my Panoramio data?

    If your Panoramio profile was linked with your Google account, then all your Panoramio photos were copied to your Google Album Archive at full resolution. All other data has been permanently deleted.

  2. Will my Panoramio photos continue to appear in Google Earth and Google Maps?

    If your Panoramio photos were appearing in Google Maps with the name of your Google Account, then they will continue to appear along with their original view counts. If they were only attributed to your Panoramio username, they will no longer appear. You can view and manage photos by signing in to Google Maps and accessing the Contributions screen from the main menu.

  3. Is there any way to keep posting photos to Google Earth and Google Maps?

    Yes - to keep adding photos to Google Maps and engage with a growing community of photographers, join the Local Guides program. You can earn points and unlock rewards for photos submitted with a Google account when they are linked to a point of interest or business.

; photos = photos['photos']; for(var i=0;i
"; iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content:html}); iw.open(map,marker); infoWindowVisible(true); } }); google.maps.event.addListener(iw, 'closeclick', function () { infoWindowVisible(false); }); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { initialize(); });